Kashf مبادرة كشف

An FOCP initiative aiming to create awareness and help promote screening methods and prevention for the "Early Detectable Cancers". Kashf also supervises the progress of fund raising campaigns and educational initiatives for each of the following detectable cancers |

- Breast Cancer
Targeted group | all ages, both genders, concentrating on early detection after the age of 40 years for women.
- Cervical Cancer
Targeted group | all ages, women, concentrating on "Cervical Cancer" vaccine.
- Prostate Cancer
Targeted group | Men after the age of 40 years.
- Testicular Cancer
Targeted group | Men starting from the age of 11 years till 60 years.
- Skin Cancer
Targeted group | all ages, both genders.
- Colo-rectal Cancer
Targeted group | all ages, both genders, concentrating on early detection after the age of 40 years.
Pink Caravan is the first campaign for breast cancer awareness under Kashf.

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